Zaman Bank

About the Bank

Our Bank was founded on June 6, 1991 and is one of the five oldest banks in Kazakhstan.

The main advantages of the Bank are the Bank’s high liquidity, availability of permanent financially sustainable clients, business reputation, mounting confidence in the Bank, individual approach to the client’s requests, flexibility to external environment changes, normative standards, technologies, etc.

“Islamic Bank “Zaman-Bank” JSC has a 27 years of banking activity experience and highly qualified staff, that provide:

  • promptness – ability to immediately respond to the client’s needs;
  • individual approach to the client’s requests;
  • consultancy support of international organizations on Islamic financing;
  • strategic decision making speed.

The Bank’s shareholders include Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), which is a multilateral organization and a group member of Islamic Development Bank Group (IDB).

“Islamic Bank “Zaman-Bank” JSC is the only bank in Kazakhstan aimed on working with SME and individuals.

Our team is constantly moving towards implementing convenient and fair relations for the population within the framework of Islamic banking.